27 May 2008


Lately, things have been changing. I have been experiencing change in so many areas of my life it just seemed like the right thing to write about today.

I used to think of myself as a complete creature of habit. But lately, as I reflect on the past year, I see that maybe I'm not so much like that. Maybe I can coexist with change and adapt. I have always been a firm believer that change is a good thing. And as most of my family can attest, I often come up with schemes to work in change so that things feel new to me. Every year I think of moving the furniture or painting or moving period. I feel so connected to the Earth and nature, so I think all the different cycles kind of encourage this behavior too! As I've said before, I absolutely love spring because of all the possibility it represents to me. Maybe it is because I was born in spring and so I feel a closeness to that time, my time for celebrating another year.

Today I was talking to EH and we were discussing among other things, changes and triathlon and training, of course. I told her that I think one of the reasons I feel so 'at home' with all of the tri friends I have is that we are all working on the same things: change and improvement. (Which by the way, is another reason I love her. She will listen to just about anything that I babble on about. I can be talking about crazy out there shit and she stills listens.)

If you think about it, we are always preparing for the next transition; constantly practicing to make those transitions better. Whether it is from swim to bike or from HM to full or HIM to IM. We are all working towards goals that are changes.

The process of training is cathartic in itself. As triathletes, we spend alot of time inside our own heads as we work to accomplish our training goals. This 'alone time' provides quiet time allowing us to stay inside ourselves and examine the 'corners of our minds' as it were. All of this self examination and study allows us to be open to change. Change within ourselves and others. We begin to welcome that feeling of newness and see change for what it is, a step towards who we are becoming, our personal evolution.

I'm pretty sure I will always have that 'when I grow up' mentality even when I'm in my 90s. And that is what I love about triathlon. I can be whatever I want and I can make changes to become whatever that is. The possibilities really are endless and nothing is set in stone.

So here's to change and becoming our dreams!


Steve Stenzel said...

Great post! Great thoughts! I think I'll be thinking "when I grow up..." for YEARS too!

triguyjt said...

We are always transitioning ourselves... or transforming...
Don't you think you have changed since you got into training and racing and stuff??
I know I have and its been a long, long time.. still changing...

great post tracie

Charlie said...

Well said.

tracie said...

charlie-i had to try REALLY hard not to use that as my title. i must admit one of my fav bowie songs. :P

Tea said...

I love your post. I agree whole heartedly. One of the reasons that I love this community is because we all go through these changes, and we all support each other....no matter what decisions each of of us come to.

Josh Middleton said...

I love your post. I think we are a lot alike in some ways. Like you, I totally feel those transition periods and welcome them with open arms. I really appreciated your sentiments on the subject. You always have such a refreshing way of looking at things.


Wonderful post Tracie! You've put a new spin on the sometimes frustrating aspect of always striving for perfection!

allanjel said...

See you're almost as bad as me...not posting for 5 ENTIRE days...what's wrong with you? Are you playing w/ that New Foundland again? :)