04 March 2008


So today I went to the polls and was a little confused by the new system. I guess not so much confused but kind of....I don't know, it was weird to fill in like that. I normally do absentee ballots which are fill in but when I do go to the poll it is the push chad thingys and I like those better.

Anyhow, I'm not affiliated or registered as affiliated with a party so technically as independent so when I went today I was expecting to declare. I wasn't sure how to vote. I'm not totally sold on anyone. Which seems to be a popular feeling. I am kind of happy with McCain and generally like him overall. But today I was thinking that I should vote for which dem I liked more because McCain will get the republican nom. But I was still unsure what to do. Here is the other deal, I never registered in Cleveland Heights, so my parents cancel each other (one is dem and the other rep) and my vote gets to count. ;) I shouldn't say that, everyone's vote counts but you get what I mean. ;)

So I get there and show my ID and sign the book and the woman looks at the other guy and says democrat. Really loudly actually, so much so that I was pretty sure she was using some kid of antidem signal and someone was going to rush out and beat me up. My precinct, Precinct C in Chagrin Falls, is dark dark red. ;) Ok back to the story, so she practically yells "Democrat" and I was like "Wait, what? I didn't say anything, I mean I'm not registered as democrat but....I want that ballot."

This fall I will vote via absentee. I like doing it that way because I can sit down and look up each candidate for the various positions and read more about them and figure out who I want to vote for. I like taking my time and really considering each candidate.

In the last presidential election the candidate that I voted for didn't win. Today the candidate that I voted for did. November is a long way away and things might change, my opinion might change or it may not. Like most things, only time will tell.


triguyjt said...

no blood was shed when i cast my ballot. ...and....

I even think......it counted


Patricio said...

That happened to me too... the lady asked me what party... I was like.... hmmmm do I have to tell you? and said democrat, she yells DEMOCRAT!!
We'll see what happens.