First, I would like to thank all of you who commented on my 'Mom Z Polar Swim convo'! It provide alot of great justifications, much to mom z's chagrin. You know she reads this too! ;)
______________________________________________________________________This weekend I received an email from my trainer Alexis. For many reasons she has decided to take a break (possibly a forever break) from training. Which left me saying, dude, seriously? :(
While I'm super sad that I won't be ringing in the New Year working out with her, I completely understand why she needs to do this and wish her the best of luck!!! I still have until the end of December though to get my ass kicked by her, so I'm not crying yet. ;) Monday she told me that we are going to kick it into high gear for the next three weeks. Which again left me thinking, dude, seriously!! I was like, um hello what have we been doing before then???? So wish me luck blogsters! I'm
FOR SURE going to need it. ;)
So to prepare for my overly ambitious race season and my training status change to 'single,' I've started looking through a few books I have to create some training workouts so that I don't lose sight of my goals. If any of you have any suggestions of fav workouts let me know!
I signed up for the Beast series which I could totally fail at, miserably btw!!! But hey, I'm fearless! ;) Now here is where
you are going to say, dude, SERIOUSLY!!!!
One of the races I'm planning on completing for the Beast is the
Classic Half in March. Yes, that's right everyone. It's ok you can sit down, take a few deep breaths, I'll be here when you're ready to continue reading.
Ready? OK...(ouch, cheerleader flashbacks!!!)
Now, I totally know that I haven't even completed a 10K so why would I jump to a half mary, you are probably asking. I say, screw you 10K, I'm going for the half. I found a 9 week plan on Runner's World so I'm going to incorporate that into my training.
Today, Alexis asked me if in addition to all the other fun stuff aka stress I have in my life and finishing my masters, if I really think it is a good idea to shoot for the half in March. Here is what I think:
1. I love that Alexis is always questioning me and pushing me. I often times come up with some seriously crazy shit, so it is important for people to look at me like I'm nuts and then ask me what I'm thinking. I'd like to believe that it keeps at least the tips of my toes on the ground, if not most of my foot.
2. Alexis is right. It is very ambitious and I could very well not be ready at all by March for this event. However, right now that is my plan. There is also a 5K event either the day of or the day before. So either way I will be there regardless of the distance.
As I have previously stated, I really don't care about times or any of that. Everyone who cares about me has one fear: that I will be disappointed in myself. I don't think I will this time. I'm ok with my abilities and am always looking to improve. What matters to me is that I want to be a triathlete and even if I only do one tri in 08, I've done one. I'm new to the world of triathlon and even though I'm running head first into this, much like everything in my life, I'm running with distance and longevity in mind. Do I overwhelm myself sometimes, yes. Do I push myself to accomplish more and excel in all I take on, of course.
Do I question if I'm cut out for triathlon, NO. I'm a firm believer that you really can accomplish
anything you put your mind to. And this is something I'm committed to. So if I don't reach all of my goals this year, I always have next year! ;)
So you can all say it with me, dude, seriously, 2008 is going to