05 December 2007

Polar Swim, bbbrrrrrrr....

So I just HAD to share this convo I had with my mom the other night re: the polar swim.

me: "So today I was on the CTC forum and they were talking about the polar swim. Cool huh?"

mom z: "Oh, that's where crazy people run in the water in the middle of winter right?"

me: "Yes, but-" interrupted by mom z

mom z: "You aren't doing it. You'll get sick and die."

me: "Mom, you know that isn't true. You don't get colds from being cold and wet."

mom z: "Yes, but you're sick now, you really think it is a good idea to do that in a few weeks??"

me: "Well, I would like to at least go and watch."

mom z: "Right, watch, sure. That sounds like you, just watching. More like, just watching and I fell in accidentally, I swear mom."

me: sounding supper innocent, "I don't know what you are trying to get at. I'll go and watch. Maybe Monica will do it and I can hold her towel, that sounds good right?"

mom z: mocking voice, "I was just holding Monica's towel, I don't know how I got wet!"

me: "Seriously, I'm not going in the water."

mom z: "Sure!"

me: "Well, at least I don't......think.....I.....will....."

mom z: "Yeah that is EXACTLY what I thought!"


Tea said...

OMG---I have the same conversations with my mom. LOL! I love it!

Hey...you have a few weeks to get better, right?

tracie said...

Exactly! I mean it is sooooo far away. ;)

Janet Edwards said...

I got a feeling I got that same conversation coming from my folks and then my husband too!

tracie said...

ha! are you going to be @ huntington beach J?

triguyjt said...

the cold air kills all the germs, right??????

Charlie said...

That conversation is usually better had after the swim.
But since you have already had it, remind her that the swim is the easy part. Standing on a beach soaking wet with ice cold water, a little lykra, and 30 mph winds coming out of canada, that is the really bad part. Then show her the LL Bean catalogue with the fleece hoodie. pants and socks you will need to keep from freezing.

B Bop said...

Uh boy......

Steve Stenzel said...

It's a moms job to say "You'll get sick and die."

If mine didn't say that, I'd be totally dead right now. However, I AM planning on a new years day plunge...

JenC said...

You have to come in with us. We need as much east (EAST SIIIDE) support as we can get especially on their territory. I promise it is totally worth getting cold for the experience and I've never been sick (knock on wood) after the three times I've done it.

E-Speed said...

LOL My mom would probably ask to join me.

As a rookie last year my advice would be to bring loose fitting warm clothes to put on directly afterwards along with a comfy robe and slippers!

trying to get into tight clothes while cold and wet, not easy at all!