13 February 2008


As I sat in my house and my toes feel like icicles (even with my balega hiking socks on!) I got an email from my Auntie Terri that was about frozen things so I thought I would share it all with you! ;)

I'm not sure if any of you have ever heard of Improv Everywhere but their website has a whole list of 'mission' of improv, well everywhere. So the one I have here was executed in Grand Central Station. 200 Improv Agents 'froze' for 5 minutes while other travelers bustled around them. Watch and see the results!

I especially thought of my bloggy friend Josh who lives in Philly (oh so close to the big apple). Josh you should TOTALLY do this!!! I wish I was still in NY to participate. I especially liked the Abercrombie&Fitch stunt they pulled so check that one out too!

P.S. Thanks for all the great comments everyone! They mean sooooo much more than I can express. :)


Steve Stenzel said...

I saw this on the news! Those people were freaking everyone out!!

Krista said...

Hi Tracie! I haven't stopped by in awhile, but I wanted to let you know that I will be in Cleveland tomorrow and I am not at all prepared for the weather:)