23 February 2008

TriGuyJT made me do it

Many thanks goes out to TriGuyJT for tagging me.....:P!

Sit back and enjoy everyone!

1. I'm the oldest of 2 children, there is a 10 year age difference. The situation turned out well because we both got to have individual lives, although there is still that occurrence of "oh your Tracie's brother...." Despite the age difference we are very close, as family has always been important in our family.

2. Even though I've had lots of falls and accidents, I've only ever broken one bone. When I was in fifth grade I was roller skating at roller skating night. (Hey I went to a catholic school, we had little things that!) Anyway, someone called my name and I turned my head to answer, when I looked back forward, there were two people at my feet and I had no time to move. I fell and put my hands back to catch myself and felt the tip of my pinkie finger touch the back of my hand.

3. One day I was asking my mother about the spelling of my first name. I thought there was some great story as to why her and my father chose Tracie with an 'ie'. Here is the story, pretty much verbatim:
T: "Hey why did you pick Tracie with an 'ie'?
M: "Oh well, your middle name is Marie and that sounds the same and ends in an 'ie' so I figured they could be spelled the same."
T: "Next, time I ask that question, think of a more interesting answer....."

You know this is hard to think of 7 random facts. Maybe if there had been a specific topic of randomness.....

4. I have been known on many occasions to talk in my sleep. People can carry on conversations with me and I have no recollection of them ever happening.

5. I'm horrible at remembering dates; like birthdays and anniversaries. I don't think I have ever remembered an anniversary in any of my relationships. :( I'm getting better though trying to write them on the calendar. It is very convenient though, my mother's birthday is March 7th and my dad's is November 7th, so I only have to remember the month. ;)

6. I have played several instruments: saxophone, clarinet, piano, and guitar. The last two I taught myself.

7. I still have the teddy that my mom made for me when I was 3 or 4. And yes I sometimes still sleep with him. :)

Here are my tags:
Steve in a Speedo

I'm CONFIDENT that you guys will be able to come up with some GREAT randomness!!! :)

1 comment:

triguyjt said...

self taught musician...

very impressive..

i have zero musical talent. I can whistle. But I am way off key trying to sing.